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Kota Kinabalu

Kota Kinabalu is the capital of Sabah, a state in Malaysia, as well as the capital of the West Coast Division of Sabah. It is the main gateway into East Malaysia and also Borneo Island. It is a bustling yet relatively organized, modern and calm city with upcoming luxury highrises and modern elevated roads.

Recent city comments:

  • Taman Kinanty Phase 2, sabahantemp wrote 3 years ago:
    On Google maps, I hope more people will approve of my edits/modification on the addresses here.
  • Taman Kinanty Phase 2, sabahantemp wrote 6 years ago:
    Postman and courier people always get confused with Phase 1 and Phase 2.
  • Koperasi Kapayan Berhad Building, Edmund Fong (guest) wrote 6 years ago:
    Sekiranya tuan (urang kepayan) ialah seorang ahli anggota KKB, sila datang ke pejabat untuk kemaskinikan maklumat tuan. Terima kasih.
  • Department of Agriculture Sabah, kadus64 wrote 7 years ago:
    Jabatan Pertanian Negeri Sabah
  • Sabah State Library, kadus64 wrote 7 years ago:
    Perpustakaan Negeri Sabah
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Kota Kinabalu on the map.

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